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2020 - 06 - 12
'Big data + artificial intelligence' will reshape the medical service industry. With the power of Internet medical technology, every Chinese family will have home medical smart devices in the future. That means a trillion-dollar market that needs to be tapped. Bestman, we're on our way. 1. Precise positioning: from mother and child to female group Bei 'in its early days, that time as the founder and director of research and development of white Mr Chung discovered domestic market blank of auxiliary equipment during pregnancy, a long time after polishing, r&d ...
2020 - 06 - 13
As an old medical device enterprise established in 1998, Bestman has been doing business for 22 years with the business tenet of 'scientific and technological innovation, creating wealth, rewarding society and making contributions to human health'. It is one of the top 10 brands in the field of fetal monitoring in China and a global leading brand in the field of Doppler blood flow detector. It is a high-tech medical device company integrating independent research and development, production and sales. In 2003, the shaper destructor developed by Bestman was sold well acro...
2020 - 06 - 11
As a medical device enterprise, Beisman is committed to the development of the great health industry, and brings healthier life to the public within its capacity. Now people are living a rich life, eating well and drinking well, and the pressure in work and life is fast paced, which leads to an increasing number of people with hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia. For those who have to use needle-type insulin, or injectable insulin, it is important to consider the preservation of insulin in different environments. Many imported insulin are insulin glycine, which means the temper...


Date: 2013-11-30


拥有各类国际和国内现代化的先进医疗设备。拥有美国GE 64排128层螺旋CT、1.5T核磁共振、麦迪逊全数字化四维彩超、奥林巴斯电子腹腔镜系统等进口一线品牌的检查设备和检验仪器,各类检查和检验指标科学、准确、可靠,促进诊疗设备水平再上新台阶。


2012--2015年四川省人民医院以帮扶模式无偿托管了新津县人民医院,第一周期托管成效明显,我院在第一周期托管经验的基础上和四川省人民医院达成了第二期全面、深度的战略合作共识。2015年8月4日新津县人民医院正式挂牌成为“四川省人民医院医疗集团。新津医院”,建立起省、县、乡“医疗联合体”,实现“人通、医通、财通”, 实现从管理到技术的全方位紧密合作。同时,与各镇乡卫生院成立医疗联合体,推行科室托管和共建,构建了省级、县级、基层“1+1+N”三级医疗协同体系,促进了优质医疗资源向基层下沉。 我院将夯实新津医院基础,不断挖掘内部发展潜力,持续改进医疗质量,努力提升医疗服务能力和技术水平,切实为新津广大群众服好务! 

在医学科研、教学方面,医院也取得了突出成就。近年先后获“省级文明单位”称号、“市级院务公开示范单位”等荣誉称号,在成都市卫计委2013、2014年连续两年医疗服务与质量评价中,均位列全市二甲综合医院第1名, 2016年被成都市卫计委评为医疗服务质量优秀医院。2015年夺得夺得全市“心电图识图技能大赛”冠军。被列为全国“县级公立医院改革试点”单位及全国500家全面提升服务能力的医疗机构之一。医院在信息化建设、药品零加成、分级诊疗等方面的改革经验先后被中央电视台专题报道,在国内反响强烈。


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2020 . 06 . 13
点击次数: 167
As an old medical device enterprise established in 1998, Bestman has been doing business for 22 years with the business tenet of 'scientific and technological innovation, creating wealth, rew...
2020 . 06 . 12
点击次数: 245
'Big data + artificial intelligence' will reshape the medical service industry. With the power of Internet medical technology, every Chinese family will have home medical smart devices in the ...
2020 . 06 . 11
点击次数: 123
As a medical device enterprise, Beisman is committed to the development of the great health industry, and brings healthier life to the public within its capacity. Now people are living a rich life, ea...
2020 . 06 . 09
点击次数: 324
In his article, Bestman shows you the INTENSIVE Care Unit (ICU), he listed numerous medical devices in the ICU ward, such as ecg monitors, blood filters, ventilators, ECMO, etc. The effects of various...
2015 . 03 . 12
点击次数: 0
We will participate following Medical Fair. Should any of the fair you  plans to come. We will be more...
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