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2017 - 09 - 09
The 78th China International Medical Equipment (Autumn) ExpoTime: 2017 Oct. 29th—Nov. 1stAddress: Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition CenterBooth: 3F-12 exhibition hall-12T06Shenzhen Bestman Instrument Co., Ltd. will carry eight series products including fetal doppler, maternal fetal monitor, vascular doppler, blood infusion warmer, syringe destroyer, vital&...
2020 - 06 - 12
'Big data + artificial intelligence' will reshape the medical service industry. With the power of Internet medical technology, every Chinese family will have home medical smart devices in the future. That means a trillion-dollar market that needs to be tapped. Bestman, we're on our way. 1. Precise positioning: from mother and child to female group Bei 'in its early days, that time as the founder and director of research and development of white Mr Chung discovered domestic market blank of auxiliary equipment during pregnancy, a long time after polishing, r&d ...
2020 - 06 - 13
As an old medical device enterprise established in 1998, Bestman has been doing business for 22 years with the business tenet of 'scientific and technological innovation, creating wealth, rewarding society and making contributions to human health'. It is one of the top 10 brands in the field of fetal monitoring in China and a global leading brand in the field of Doppler blood flow detector. It is a high-tech medical device company integrating independent research and development, production and sales. In 2003, the shaper destructor developed by Bestman was sold well acro...

黑龙江省牡丹江市妇产医院 河南大学第一附属医院

Date: 2013-11-30




  医院是河南省培养高级医疗卫生人才的教学基地,是临床医学一级学科专业型及学术型硕士学位授权单位,涵盖20个二级学科,承担河南大学医药护技本、硕教学任务,研究生导师100余人。拥有国家级“卓越医生教育培养计划”项目1项,国家级大学生创新创业实验项目3项,省级教改项目3项。 医院拥有美国GE750宝石能谱CT、美国GE750 3.0T磁共振、德国西门子数字减影血管造影机(DSA)、高清超声内镜等一大批先进的医疗设备,SPECT-CT、PET-CT,PET-MR的投入使用,成为同时拥有PET-CT、PET-MRI的单位,与院基因诊断中心结合,实现了诊断手段从影像学向分子学的跨越。医院信息化建设智能化,紧跟时代发展,将“流程再造”成为医院信息化建设的核心,转变经营战略改进服务模式,最终实现病人的更满意。

  医院为省级文明单位标兵,先后荣获 “全国百姓放心医院”、中华全国总工会授予“全国模范职工之家”;中华全国总工会教科文卫体工会授予“抗震救灾,重建家园工人先锋号”;国家卫计委授予“志愿服务在医院活动先进单位”;河南省五一劳动奖状,河南省卫计委授予“河南省健康促进示范性医院”、“河南省群众满意医院”、“医政管理先进单位” 、“优质护理服务先进单位” 、“行风建设先进单位”、“健康中原先锋岗”、“新农合先进单位”、“信息化管理先进单位”、“医院创新管理先进单位”、“卫生文化建设先进单位”、河南省高校工委授予“先进基层党组织”等多项荣誉。


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2020 . 06 . 13
点击次数: 167
As an old medical device enterprise established in 1998, Bestman has been doing business for 22 years with the business tenet of 'scientific and technological innovation, creating wealth, rew...
2020 . 06 . 12
点击次数: 245
'Big data + artificial intelligence' will reshape the medical service industry. With the power of Internet medical technology, every Chinese family will have home medical smart devices in the ...
2020 . 06 . 11
点击次数: 123
As a medical device enterprise, Beisman is committed to the development of the great health industry, and brings healthier life to the public within its capacity. Now people are living a rich life, ea...
2020 . 06 . 09
点击次数: 324
In his article, Bestman shows you the INTENSIVE Care Unit (ICU), he listed numerous medical devices in the ICU ward, such as ecg monitors, blood filters, ventilators, ECMO, etc. The effects of various...
2015 . 03 . 12
点击次数: 0
We will participate following Medical Fair. Should any of the fair you  plans to come. We will be more...
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